Get Catering in Coventry
- 1000+ caterers across the UK
- Secure payments
- Cancellation protection
As seen in
Never booked Catering before?
Here's how it works:
In just a few clicks, match with world-class caterers, receive prices and menus and chat with the caterer to make any changes.
The caterer arrives 2 hours before the event and brings all the ingredients as well as equipment and crockery if needed.
Cooks & serves
Depending on the nature of your event, you can tell the caterer to interact with the group or be more discreet.
The caterer will always clean the kitchen and all equipment used.
What customers say about yhangry Catering in Coventry
Foodies like you share genuine ratings and reviews about their catering experience, helping you find the perfect caterer.
Wondering how much it costs to
book Catering in Coventry ?
We've got you covered.
Average spend of customers who book catering in Coventry. Based on 10 guests and the cost includes groceries, serving and clean up
Caterers we work with who are based in Coventry
Average per person spend of customers booking catering in Coventry
Our caterers have cooked for many happy diners in Coventry
Our promise to you
We go the extra mile so that you can be confident your special occasion is in safe hands.
Frequently asked questions
Our most popular cuisines in Coventry
Enjoy authentic world cuisines at your dining table in Coventry.
Hire Caterers in Coventry
Finding a skilled and reliable caterer in the densely populated city of Coventry can be difficult, especially if you don’t know where to look. You might end up hiring one that is either incompetent, unprofessional or incredibly rude, and no one wants to be on the receiving end of such service.
This is where yhangry comes in.
The UK’s number one chef platform, yhangry, is a credible marketplace where individuals can purchase the services of reputable, skilled and polite caterers in Coventry and across the UK. Through our platform, you can access and book the best Coventry caterers for any event or even a private chef to help you prepare daily meals or kids’ lunches.
By browsing through our platform, you will be welcomed by the friendly faces of caterers, private chefs and nutritional specialists via their profiles. These profiles inform you of the experience, expertise, preferred cuisines, specialities, average cost, and dietary standards said caterers can work with. You will also see their additional services and the various famous people and events they’ve catered for.
Yhangry makes all this possible. Through our exceptional Coventry caterers, your event can have the best and most inclusive food menus regardless of its theme, location or type. Book a consultation to learn more about how we can cater to your needs.
What happens if I cancel?
If you happen to cancel the Coventry catering service you had booked, provided your cancellation is initiated a week or more before your event, your deposit will be fully refunded in no time.
What if the caterer cancels?
At yhangry, we offer clients protection from chef cancellations, amongst other things. So, it’s highly unlikely that the chef or caterer you’ve booked via yhangry would cancel on you. However, in the rare chance this happens, an equally experienced chef with similar specialities would substitute for the said chef.
Can I hire a caterer on an hourly basis?
Yhangry’s caterers mostly charge per person. However, if you require a different payment plan, you can request a free quote or book a consultation to weigh your options.
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