12 Summer Lunch Menu Ideas for Entertaining Family and Friends

English Summers are the envy of the world. Barring the recent heat wave, they are mildly unpredictable but pleasant and enjoyable, combining bursts of sunshine with occasional rain showers. Seasonal produce is at its peak, and the long daylight hours provide ample time for socialising. All these factors create a perfect backdrop for planning lunch parties. With this in mind, we have put together some of the most exciting and delectable summer lunch menu ideas for entertaining a crowd, ideal for a sunny afternoon.
30 July 2024 8 min read
Summer Lunch Menu Ideas for Entertaining

Appetisers: Prelude of Small Plates with Big Flavours

A great set of appetisers provides a teasing glimpse into the culinary delights that will come next. These light summer menu ideas prepare your guests’ palates for the heavy courses ahead.

1. Mini Yorkshires with Charred Greens and Broccoli Pesto Drizzle

Mini Yorkshires are an excellent light summer menu idea

Prepare bite-sized Yorkshire puddings, then char asparagus, broccolini, and mustard greens on the grill until tender and slightly smoky. Fill each Yorkshire pudding with the charred greens. Drizzle with homemade broccoli stem pesto before serving for a creative twist. These puddings make for an excellent start to the meal, using broccoli stems that are generally discarded.

Pro Tip: Blanch the greens before charring for better colour retention.


  • Prep Time: 45 minutes.
  • Budget: Low.
  • Preparation Level: Intermediate.
  • Dietary Considerations: Vegetarian, Contains Egg.

2. Smoked Salmon Goat Cheese Roulade with Beluga Caviar on Rye

Salmon Roulade is an easy-to-prepare light summer menu idea.

Prepare a roulade by spreading goat cheese on smoked salmon fillets, then rolling them up and topping them with exquisite Beluga caviar and dill leaves. Serve these delightful rolls on lightly toasted rye bread as a great appetiser that seafood lovers will enjoy. 

Pro Tip: Remove the dark parts of the smoked salmon fillets to avoid bitter aftertaste.


  • Prep Time: 20 minutes.
  • Budget: High.
  • Preparation Level: Easy.
  • Dietary Considerations: Contains Seafood and  Dairy.

3. Gazpacho Shooters with Cucumber Salad

Gazpacho Shots can be a great summer buffet menu idea.

To make the classic Spanish cold soup, Gazpacho, blend raw tomatoes, bell peppers, and red onion until smooth. Add cracked black pepper and Tabasco to taste. Chill the soup in the refrigerator. Before serving, top with a lightly dressed chopped cucumber salad. This refreshing dish can be used as a pass-around snack and also works great as a summer buffet menu idea.

Pro Tip: Always use freshly cracked black pepper. Store-bought cracked pepper or powdered can discolour Gazpacho.


  • Prep Time: 30 minutes.
  • Budget: Low.
  • Preparation Level: Easy.
  • Dietary Considerations: Vegan and Gluten Free.

Sorbets To Delight Your Tastebuds

Sorbets serve a double purpose by cleansing the palate of adults before main courses and as a treat to calm down fussy children. 

To make a sorbet, mix fruit puree with simple sugar syrup, blend in a mixer, and freeze. Repeat the procedure at least twice for the perfect texture. If you have an ice cream maker, use it to churn the mixture once and then freeze.

4. Tropical Mango with Mirin

Mango Sorbet is a fantastic summer menu idea for kids.

Blend tropical mango puree with mirin-flavoured sugar syrup, then churn the mixture until smooth and freeze. Garnish with chopped mangoes and mint leaves to enhance the refreshing feel when serving.

Pro Tip: Opt for fresh mango puree instead of pre-packaged for a better flavour.


  • Prep Time: 4 hours with an ice cream machine.
  • Budget: Low.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Dietary Considerations: Vegan and Gluten Free.

5. Pomegranate Sorbet with Fresh Berries

Pomegranate Sorbet works excellent as a summer lunch menu idea.

Blend pomegranate juice and sugar syrup, then churn and freeze the mixture to create a refreshing treat. Serve this with fresh berries for a perfect balance of sweet and tart flavours.

Pro Tip: Add a pinch of salt while churning to balance the flavours.


  • Prep Time: 4 hours with an ice cream machine.
  • Budget: Moderate.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Dietary Considerations: Vegan and Gluten Free.

Scrumptious Mains to Take You to Gourmet Plains

Main courses are the star of any catering event. They are the make-or-break course of your party and must be planned carefully to impress and accommodate all guests.  

6. Striploin and Lobster Surf and Turf with Drawn Butter

Surf and Turf is a hearty summer barbeque menu idea

A perfect summer barbeque menu idea is to grill rosemary-marinated Striploin on the barbeque until desired temperature(medium rare is recommended) and poach lobster in butter until soft. Serve with clarified butter and rosemary jus. This dish can be easily cooked and is always a hit among meat and seafood lovers. It promises a harmonious blend of rich flavours and aromatic herbs.

Pro Tip: Rest the Striploin Steak for 4-5 minutes before cutting to retain juices and flavours.


  • Prep Time:30 minutes.
  • Budget: High.
  • Preparation Level: Intermediate.
  • Dietary Considerations: Contains Dairy and Gluten Free.

7. Honey Glazed Roast Quail with Wild Mushroom Risotto

 Roast Quail works great as a summer buffet menu idea for a crowd.

Roast marinated quail for 20 minutes at 180 Celsius until the skin is crispy, then serve on a bed of earthy and creamy morel and porcini risotto. The subtle flavour of the quail blends harmoniously with the robust mushrooms, creating a balanced dish. Both quail and risotto are easy to prepare in large batches, making them a great summer buffet menu idea for a crowd.

Pro Tip: Use high-quality Arborio rice and aged Parmesan for a vibrant risotto.


  • Prep Time: 40 minutes.
  • Budget: High.
  • Difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Dietary Considerations: Contains Dairy and Gluten Free.

8. Baked Aubergine Caponata with Millets

Baked Eggplant is a good summer lunch menu idea.

Cut the aubergine into halves and scoop out the flesh. Stuff the halves with a caponata of tomatoes, olives, peppers, capers, celery, walnuts, and boiled barnyard millet. Bake the stuffed eggplants and serve with a sprinkle of lime juice and olive oil.

It is important that your vegan guests don’t feel left out, so include enough plant-based dishes like this to create an inclusive environment. 

Pro Tip: Soak the millets for 1 hour before boiling to reduce phytic acid content and prevent bloating.


  • Prep Time: 40 minutes.
  • Budget: Moderate.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Dietary Considerations: Vegan and Gluten Free.

Decadent Delights to Indulge and Smile

Desserts are the grand finale of every culinary journey. Indulge in these heavenly treats, and let each mouthful bring joy and a touch of sweetness to your day. 

9. Key Lime Pie

Key lime pie is a classic summer lunch menu idea.

Create this classic dessert by crushing graham crackers and mixing them with melted butter to make the crust base. Then, fill it with a tangy, creamy lime custard made by mixing condensed milk with key lime juice and egg yolks over a double boiler. Finish by adding a dollop of cream on top for the best enjoyment. 

Pro Tip: Use the zest of key limes in the custard for a better aroma.


  • Prep Time: 1 hour.
  • Budget: Moderate.
  • Difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Dietary Considerations: Contains Dairy and Egg.

10. Ice Cream Sandwiches

Ice cream Sandwiches are a great summer menu idea for kids.

Take two of your favourite cookies, scoop a generous amount of your preferred ice cream onto one cookie, then gently press another cookie on top to form a sandwich. For the best experience, wrap the ice cream sandwiches in plastic wrap and freeze them for at least an hour before serving. These bite-size icy cream treats are a great summer menu idea for kids.

Pro Tip: Ensure your cookies are thoroughly chilled to prevent ice cream from melting.


  • Prep Time: 1.5 hours.
  • Budget: Low.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Dietary Considerations: Contains Dairy.

Savour the Flavours of Summer with Every Sip

Embrace the warmth of sunny days with drinks that capture the essence of summer. Sip, savour, and celebrate the delightful tastes of summer.

11. Classic Pimm’s Cup

Pimm’s Cup is a classic summer drink menu idea.

A classic British summer drink menu idea is a Pimm’s Cup. Start by filling a large glass or jug with ice cubes. Pour Pimm’s No. 1 over the ice and top up with lemonade. Add fresh mint leaves and slices of cucumber, strawberries, orange, and lemon. Serve immediately and enjoy this classic summer beverage.

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Pro Tip: Add ginger ale to get a more tart flavour.


  • Prep Time: 10 minutes.
  • Budget: Moderate.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Dietary Considerations: Contains Alcohol.

12. Code Red

Code Red is a refreshing end-of-summer menu idea.

Watermelon tastes best in the latter part of summer. It is an excellent ingredient for end-of-summer menu ideas. To make a refreshing mocktail, Code Red, muddle watermelon with mint leaves and lemon wedges, then top up with crushed ice, cranberry juice, and club soda. 

Pro Tip: Add Vodka if you prefer an alcoholic version.


  • Prep Time: 10 minutes.
  • Budget: Low.
  • Difficulty: Easy.
  • Dietary Considerations: Non Alcoholic.

Make Your Summer Lunch Party the Highlight of the Season

Now that you have some great summer lunch menu ideas for entertaining, it’s time to plan how you will execute them. As a host, your primary responsibility is to entertain the guests by interacting with them. If you take on the responsibility of catering, it can become very challenging to engage with them. 

Also, it would be very unfair if you don’t enjoy a party you have organised because you are stuck in the kitchen. 

The saviours of your situation can be highly skilled private caterers and chefs who understand your culinary requirements. You can hire chefs from platforms like Yhangry, who have successfully managed to cater to thousands of parties all over the UK. 

These chefs take care of everything from cooking, serving and cleaning up after the party. They also customise menus and dishes to align with your guest’s dietary preferences, ensuring everyone enjoys a unique dining experience. 


On a hot day, it is advisable to have light and refreshing meals like salads, lean proteins, and cooling drinks that are easy to digest. It is important to keep yourself hydrated and reduce your intake of caffeine. If you decide to indulge in a heavy meal, make sure to get some light activity like a quick stroll or walk to help with the digestion process.

As a thumb rule, you should consume food with high water and vitamin C content to reduce body heat. Probiotic foods also help regulate body temperature. A few examples are watermelon, cucumber, kiwi, lemon water, buttermilk, coconut water and berries.

The British summers are full of freshly harvested vegetables like tomatoes, courgettes, cucumbers and runner beans. These make for delicious casseroles, salads and sandwiches. Good weather encourages activities like outdoor barbeques with grilled sausages, steaks and ribs. Pimm’s cocktails and margaritas are consumed in full flow to take advantage of the weather.