How Do I File Taxes as a Private Chef?

As a private chef, tackling those yearly tax returns can be quite a challenge. Keeping your freelance chef business in check involves staying organized with finances and meeting tax responsibilities. It’s crucial because mishandling taxes can cause unforeseen financial problems or missed chances to reclaim what’s rightfully yours. If you haven’t been claiming some work-related expenses, you could be missing out on getting back hundreds of pounds each year.

Questions arise—what exactly counts as a business expense? Can the car you use for work be rightfully listed as an expense? For those who have recently transitioned to being self-employed, filing taxes might seem intimidating. It’s common to have questions arise while filling out tax forms.

We understand the tax confusion, and we’ve got a solution! This year, yhangry has teamed up with Thickbroom Chartered Accountants to offer a STEAL DEAL: only £200+VAT to handle your taxes. Our aim? To simplify your financial journey and make tax filing stress-free with exclusive perks. While you may contemplate managing taxes alone, the expertise and tailored support of an external tax professional can be invaluable—especially when it’s just five steps!

A 5-Step Process with Thickbroom Chartered Accountants:

  • Onboarding: Submit proof of I.D, address, and UTR number to [email protected], referencing “yhangry Partnership.” If you don’t have a UTR number, Thickbroom can assist in obtaining one.
  • Agreement: Thickbroom’s operations team will provide you with a client reference number, instructions for using their online approval portal called ‘Openspace,’ and a Letter of Engagement.
  • Processing: Once you agree to their services, submit your income and earnings documents to allow Thickbroom to complete your tax return.
  • Approval: Thickbroom will compile your tax return documents package and upload it to ‘Openspace’ for your review and approval.
  • Submission: Upon your approval, Thickbroom will submit your tax return information to HMRC and confirm once the process is completed.

Struggling with finances as a private chef? Here are some handy tips to manage your finances better as a private chef.