1. Lightly oil then line 4 ramekins or a muffin tray with cling film. Now line with slices of salmon, allowing the salmon to overhang the top of the dishes, as you will need to fold it over later. Keep back one very large slice to use as lids. Finely chop the avocado and toss with seasoning, the cream cheese, half the lime zest and juice and the chives. 2. Spoon the mixture into the ramekins or muffin tray and press firmly with the back of a spoon. Place a quarter of the reserved salmon on top then fold over the overhanging salmon to enclose the filling. Chill until ready to serve. 3.Meanwhile mix the remaining lime juice and zest with the sweet chilli sauce, seasoning and 1tbsp water. 4. serve, pile some salad into the centre of large plates. Turn the parcels out of the ramekins and arrange on top. Garnish with diced cucumber and dill